Other Friends Status: In progress Breed: Spinel Wyvern (red) 10/4/19 to 12/2/19 over-and-over again GeeIt'sSwellToFinallyMeetHer 0ther Friends Thats right l heard the story Don't realIy like how it ends GeeItsSwellToFinallyMeetHer Other-Friends WhatDidSheSayAboutMe What did she say-y WhatDidYouDoWithoutMe What did you do-o DidYouPlayGamesWithoutMe What did you play Did you think all this time About youuuu OhThatsRightIHeard You didn't know you were ThisTimeIGetToWin Lives-on-the-line Winner-takes-all ReadyOrNotLet'sBegin 0ver and 0ver again GeeIt'sSwellToFinallyBEATher O-ther-Friends OhThat's-right I heard the story D0N'T really like how it ends O t h e r f r i e n d s | Grim Grinning Ghosts Status: Not started Breed: Spirit Ward(?) 0/0/0 to ![]() When the crypt doors creak And the tombstones quake SpooksComeOutForASwingingWake Happy haunts materialize And begin to vocalize GrimGrinningGhostsComeOutToSocialize Now don't close your eyes and don't try to hide Or a silly spook may sit by your side Shrouded in a daft disguise They pretend to terrorize GrimGrinningGhostsCome0utToSocialize As the moon climbs high O'er the dead oak tree Spooks arrive for the midnight spree Creepy creeps with eerie eyes Start to shriek and harmonize GrimGrinningGhostsC0meOutToSocialize When you hear the knell of a requiem bell Weird glows gleam where spirits dwell Restless bones etherialize Rise as spooks of every si-ize Mwahahahahahahahaha If you would like to join our jamboree There's a simple rule that's compulsory Mortals pay a token fee Rest in peace, the haunting's free So hurry back, we would like your company |
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